Thursday, May 27, 2021

We Broke Ground

 The building has started.

We're building a daylight basement style house. The owner of the GC, Sheldon is holding the leveling pole and directing the digging of the foundation.

The foundation of the basement starts to become recognizable, some of the foundation form boards starting to show up and take form.

Les, directing traffic as always. Shortly after this, he took over the excavator, couldn't take any more! (just kidding).

Making a little progress.

Honestly, it is supposed to look like this.

Above is a picture Nancy took from the street above the house.
The green lawn is our neighbors. Our site is visible down below on the right side.
Our neighbor is a CPA from Shreveport, he spends summers and is a really nice guy.

A nice clear beautiful Alaska spring day.

The perk test for the septic system. Les was giving the engineer some advice as usual.

Telling fish stories.


  1. What an amazing adventure for you two. Love the blog so we can watch the process and progress!! Views are fabulous!!!!

  2. Wow, this is certainly coming along, guess it has to be done before winter sets in. Still looks cold but beautiful. Winter here has started and we are feeling the chill after spending 10 days in The Tropics swimming, snorkelling and just strolling around in the wonderful warm evenings. Hope you are both well.


July 11th, 2022

 Settling In........ The house was finally painted. Below is the driveway being put in. The grand girls and our daughter Alicia were our fir...