Monday, May 24, 2021

Off the ferry: Day 1 in Alaska

 This morning, Thursday May, 20, 2021

We arrived in Whittier at 5:50am and we made the 6am tunnel out of Whittier. 

Below are the gorgeous views we had on the ferry.


While in port we would walk the parking lot for 5 miles.
Back onboard we could email with the cell phone service.
This is our fabulous new F250 and cargo trailer. We stuffed these vehicles so full of furniture, construction materials and household goods. This is a good beginning on setting up our new house.

That is Glacier Bay National Park, as close as we've been so far.

We rented a 3 bedroom townhouse for 6 months in Soldatna which is about 90 minutes from Homer.

This will be our home base while the house is being built.

July 11th, 2022

 Settling In........ The house was finally painted. Below is the driveway being put in. The grand girls and our daughter Alicia were our fir...