Friday, May 14, 2021

Washington State



We had a nice, albeit long drive from Jackson Hole to Burlington, Washington on May 13th. 
We’ve eaten some good food on this trip, pizza, burgers, salads, salmon and Mexican food. 
We listen to audible books as we drive. It sure helps pass the time, and makes us smarter than staying at a Holiday Inn Express.
This was a huge piece of farm equipment we drove past. A lot of two lane roads through Idaho and some of Oregon.

The weather sure has improved over the week.


The top two pics are in the Cascades National Park 
We get on the ferry tomorrow, Saturday and will have no WiFi for 5 nights. When the ferry stops in Juneau and Ketchikan we will have cell service only for a few hours.
We did a bit of grocery shopping so we don’t have to eat all of our meals from the ferry cafeteria. Years ago, the State of Alaska closed all the bars aboard the ferries, so there has to be an adequate supply of beer and wine as well.
We’ve driven nearly 2500 miles since we left Texas. The new truck performed really well, especially through all the mountains and in the nasty weather. We feel good about having that truck up in Alaska, for everything it will have to cope with up there

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July 11th, 2022

 Settling In........ The house was finally painted. Below is the driveway being put in. The grand girls and our daughter Alicia were our fir...