Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Finally got the drone up for a few pictures


They have started building the back deck.
This is a good view of where our nearest neighbor is, and where the trailer we are living in is on the property

Les has laid down some plywood from the house to the trailer to keep our feet from getting so muddy. The Homer spit is visible in the distance, it was a bright sunny day and hard to get a good picture into the sun.

Nice big driveway, the electricians, plumbers and decking crew were all working this day. This shot is looking almost directly east.

This is our driveway, it is a nice incline good for walking and getting my heart-rate going. I walk it many times a day. Come winter, it will be a bit of a challenge to keep it plowed and passable.


Monday, September 27, 2021

We went back to Texas again

 Electrical and roofing....

We went home to Texas to visit again for nearly 20 days.
But, it's back to Homer and Soldotna for us and things are moving along.

The drive from Anchorage to Soldotna is 3 hours and were were treated to a beautiful sunset. You can see Mt Redoubt, a volcano.
This is our cute little Post Office/Store in Fritz Creek we showed you before.
The front door from inside the house. The electrical is almost finished for the rough in stage

Metal roof.
A pretty sunset from the property.
We will be ready for insulation this week, and drywall immediately after that.
Putting in the supports for the deck. That work will start Tuesday.
Our Project Manager Matt trying to answer questions. The electrician James in the background keeping a safe distance:)

This is me out walking, I can get 4 miles in pretty
The house from the road above.

Burning the shipping crates and all the scrap lumber
The fall colors.

We had our first snow fall, though it didn't stick (thank goodness) But it wasn't cold enough to keep anyone from a beer!
I can't take credit for this pic but the sunset in Homer really did look like this without any enhancement needed.
Getting more of the driveway and parking area squared away

The view from the Homer Elk Lodge, we're Elks now.
Dinner at the Elks every Friday night
The Lodge is in one of the best locations in Homer. The views are incredible. Above is Bishop's Beach.

I found this pic online, it's called "The Edge Of Winter" and was taken this week during the snow storm.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

The plumbers have started

The house comes together


The fire-pit in the yard is serving two purposes. First there is quite a bit of construction debris and scrape lumber and not a lot of rubbish. (NONE) Second, the weather has gotten a bit chillier and it's nice to have a fire.

 At the same time, the county (borough) has decided to work on the road (Hutler). This picture is from the entrance to our driveway.

                                   Burning the crates all the windows were shipped in. They were shipped up from Oregon, all arrived undamaged, and somehow they all fit into the framers holes​.​
                                        The views out the living room windows

                                            Supervising, always supervising.
                            You have to love Alaska. No permits, no inspections, and very few OSHA inspectors. That of coarse makes things go faster and cost less​.​
                                        This little guy came to visit one morning outside of the trailer
                                        A perfect sunny day with all the contractors working hard
       Nancy took this picture on one of her daily walks from the road above the house.                  

We never tire of looking at the glaciers.
                                Always about the supply chain. Gotta keep track of the inventory

The shop and garage are side by side and open to each other.
                                      Three 1550 gallon tanks for the water catchment system. Makes for nice long hot showers!!

The deck is still to come.

                                        Nancy's view from the kitchen window. Almost makes doing the dishes worth it​.​

July 11th, 2022

 Settling In........ The house was finally painted. Below is the driveway being put in. The grand girls and our daughter Alicia were our fir...